Big Data

The Upcoming Year in Big Data: 1 2022 Preview

Industry Reports
March 25, 2022
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Big Data is undergoing transformation. From sources, types, storage, propriety, freshness, and relevancy, not to mention analytical decisions, big changes are coming. Read as several experts in Big Data solutions expound on the trends to expect throughout the coming year.

The Upcoming Year in Big Data: 1 2022 Preview

The world of big data is a never-ending roller coaster of new technologies, new techniques, and an ever-growing tsunami of data. As we roll into 2022, we turn to the community of big data practitioners and solution providers for insight into what trends might move the needle in the new year.

Data architectures are in a state of flux at the moment. According to Ravi Shankar, the SVP and CMO at data virtualization provider Denodo, the related concepts of data fabric and data mesh should be on your radar.

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