Technology in Industry Report Contributor

George Pappas, Ph.D.
George Pappas, Ph.D.

George Pappas, Ph.D.

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Dr. Pappas research interests focus on Internet of Things (IoT), Real-time embedded systems, Cyber-physical systems (CPS), Cybersecurity, optimization algorithms. Over 10 years of teaching, research and work experience in embedded systems and high performance computing. PI for a recent DENSO grant in machine vision safety systems in vehicles titled ˝Intelligent Smart Real Time Vision (ISRTV) as an Embedded System for Advanced Applications: A Student Educational Platform on Vehicle Collision Avoidance and Driver Safety.

Industry 4.0 Areas of Expertise

Real-time embedded systems; Intelligent sensors; Autonomous vehicles; Cybersecurity; Augmented Reality; High-performance computing; Cloud computing; Self-diagnosing machines

Industry 4.0 Offerings

Embedded Systems Industry 4.0 Lab